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Dungeons & Dragons Player Character Sheet
Name   Player   Gender  
Class   Race   ECL  
Align   Deity   Age   Size   Speed  
Height   Weight   Eyes   Hair   Skin  
Mod Score Base Enhance Misc Total Base Stat Enhance Misc Total Temp
  STR   =   +   +   Fort   =   +   +   +     +  
  DEX   =   +   +   Ref   =   +   +   +   Hitpoints
  CON   =   +   +   Will   =   +   +   +  
  INT   =   +   +  
Total Arm Shld Dex Deflect Size Natural Misc
  WIS   =   +   +   AC   =   +   +   +   +   +   +   + 10
  CHA   =   +   +   Touch   Flat
Total DEX Misc Total BAB STR Size Misc
Initiative   =   +   BAB   Grapple   =   +   +   +  
Weapons Type Attack Damage Critical Range Ammunition / Notes Wgt.
Equipment Type AC Max Dex Check Penalty Spell Fail Speed Wgt.
Shield --   --     --  
Magical Items Racials / Class Features / Feats
Arms / Wrist    
Skills Key Total Ranks Ability Misc.
Appraise INT   =   +   +  
Autohypnosis WIS   =   +   +  
Balance DEX   =   +   +  
Bluff CHA   =   +   +  
Climb STR   =   +   +  
Concentration CON   =   +   +  
Craft INT   =   +   +  
Craft INT   =   +   +  
Craft INT   =   +   +  
Decipher Script INT   =   +   +  
Diplomacy CHA   =   +   +  
Disable Device INT   =   +   +  
Disguise CHA   =   +   +  
Escape Artist DEX   =   +   +  
Forgery INT   =   +   +  
Gather Information CHA   =   +   +  
Handle Animal CHA   =   +   +  
Heal WIS   =   +   +  
Hide DEX   =   +   +  
Intimidate CHA   =   +   +  
Jump STR   =   +   +  
Knowledge (Arcana) INT   =   +   +  
Knowledge (Arch / Eng) INT   =   +   +  
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) INT   =   +   +  
Knowledge (Geography) INT   =   +   +  
Knowledge (History) INT   =   +   +  
Knowledge (Local) INT   =   +   +  
Knowledge (Nature) INT   =   +   +  
Knowledge (Nobility) INT   =   +   +  
Knowledge (The Planes) INT   =   +   +  
Knowledge (Psionics) INT   =   +   +  
Knowledge (Religion) INT   =   +   +  
Knowledge INT   =   +   +  
Listen WIS   =   +   +  
Move Silently DEX   =   +   +  
Open Lock DEX   =   +   +  
Perform (Acting) CHA   =   +   +  
Perform (Comedy) CHA   =   +   +  
Perform (Dance) CHA   =   +   +  
Perform (Keyboard) CHA   =   +   +  
Perform (Oratory) CHA   =   +   +  
Perform (Percussion) CHA   =   +   +  
Perform (String) CHA   =   +   +  
Perform (Wind) CHA   =   +   +  
Perform (Singing) CHA   =   +   +  
Perform CHA   =   +   +  
Profession WIS   =   +   +  
Profession WIS   =   +   +  
Psicraft INT   =   +   +  
Ride DEX   =   +   +  
Search INT   =   +   +  
Sense Motive WIS   =   +   +  
♦ !
Sleight of Hand DEX   =   +   +  
Spellcraft INT   =   +   +  
Spot WIS   =   +   +  
Survival WIS   =   +   +  
Swim STR   =   +   +  
♦ !
Tumble DEX   =   +   +  
Use Magic Device CHA   =   +   +  
Use Psionic Device CHA   =   +   +  
Use Rope DEX   =   +   +  
♦ Requires Training ! Armor Penalty Applies
Languages / Bonus Feats
Turn Undead
# Per Day Turn Check Turn Damage
3 +   +   1d20 +   2d6 +   +  
CHA Feat CHA CHA Level
# Per Day Rds. Str / Con Will Penalty
Temporary Effects Rds.
Inventory Location Wgt.
Weight Limit Money Experience
Light   GP  
Medium   SP  
Heavy   CP